Giulia Angelucci

Multidisciplinary futures researcher and creative director passionate about regenerative practices in the fashion and design industry. Co-creating & rethinking futures of coexistence and collective wellbeing, nurturing a culture of reciprocity on the personal, collective and systemic level.


︎︎︎ Doyenne
︎︎︎ Doyenne x Nike SB
︎︎︎ Harmony of Opposites
︎︎︎ Doyenne x CHPO
︎︎︎ Seeking Comfort
︎︎︎ ASK
︎︎︎ Come as You Feel

︎︎︎ Allegories of Touch
︎︎︎ Botanical Impressions
︎︎︎ Klu Zine

︎︎︎ Making as Thinking

︎︎︎ Skin Geographies



❋ Brighton, UK

Multidisciplinary futures researcher and creative director passionate about regenerative practices in the fashion and design industry. Co-creating & rethinking futures of coexistence and collective wellbeing, nurturing a culture of reciprocity on the personal, collective and systemic level.

Allegories of Touch

— Sensorial narrative on touch and fashion as a practice of wearing

FMP - BA (Hons) Fashion Communication with Business Studies
Brighton University

Award of Excellence, Nagoya University of the Arts and Science, Japan

Garments are not simply visual representatives of culture, but they carry their own material culture within.

Allegories of Touch is a reflection on the interactions present in the practice of wearing. The narrative follows an intuitive and holistic process of thought to reveal a lucid insight of fashion as a system of relationships between emotions, the human body, and the planet.

The project uses inner visions that aspire to provoke conversations around the symbiotic relationship between body and garment, the rational and the emotional, skin and fabric, material and product, societies and ecosystems.

The research is born as an instinctive photographic enquiry, developing into a visual essay, which culminates into a virtual exhibition and printed publication.


︎︎︎Selected content from the book: